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Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
Why don't I see any tiles for my dimensioned element on the home page, even though it's enabled and visible?
<p>The first thing you should check is if the dimension values of the dimension assigned to the element are 'visible' (Show as Tile) <a href=""></a></p> <p>MI will only display tiles on the home page for dimension values that are set to 'visible'. To find the current settings, edit your dimension (<a href=""></a>) and then check the dimension values grid at the bottom fo the page (<a href=""></a>). You can adjust the visibility settings individually (<a href=""></a>) or en masse (<a href=""></a>).</p>Manual Configuration -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
Why doesn't my Category appear on the home page?
<p>If your category doesn't appear on the home page but you have elements in it, most likely elements that belong to this category are not actually set to be 'visible' on the home page. <a href=""></a></p> <p>If a category has no visible elements, then that category is not displayed on the home page. So if we you make your elements visible, the category should appear automatically.</p>Manual Configuration -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
Getting a "403 Forbidden" Error when upgrading from 3.2 to 3.3 on a VM
Manual System -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
How do I determine which users are following what element discussions?
Manual Collaboration -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
Get Report Data via API
Manual API -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
How to use Azure Key Vault to encrypt keys
Manual System -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
What is the purpose of the "current collection cycle" setting for data/trigger dependencies?
<p>This setting is used to prevent Triggers and Dependencies from getting out of sync.</p>Manual Metrics & Reports -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
External Reports (Tableau) are opening in Metric Insights Viewer with the error: "This content cannot be displayed in a frame."
Manual Metrics & Reports -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
Ports used by Metric Insights to connect to different databases
<p>When you establish connection to a database, the Port number will be set by default, based on your choice of JDBC Driver. You can change it if necessary per the following article:</p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p><strong>Note</strong> <strong>about HTTP and HTTPS:</strong> HTTPS URLs begin with "https://" and use port 443 by default, whereas HTTP URLs begin with "http://" and use port 80 by default.</p> <p>HTTP is not encrypted and is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle and eavesdropping attacks, which can let attackers gain access to website accounts and sensitive information, and modify webpages to inject malware or advertisements. HTTPS is designed to withstand such attacks and is considered secure against them (with the exception of older, deprecated versions of SSL).</p>Manual System -
Updated on: Jan 14, 2023
Timing Rules for Element Dependencies within a Data Collection Trigger
Manual Metrics & Reports