Why don't I see any tiles for my dimensioned element on the home page, even though it's enabled and visible?

The first thing you should check is if the dimension values of the dimension assigned to the element are 'visible' (Show as Tile) http://prntscr.com/9lwlra

MI will only display tiles on the home page for dimension values that are set to 'visible'. To find the current settings, edit your dimension (http://img.mtrc.in/100d0J0b0H3k) and then check the dimension values grid at the bottom fo the page (http://img.mtrc.in/1y0s1i2C1p2A). You can adjust the visibility settings individually (http://img.mtrc.in/3J1o0v1H1p0H) or en masse (http://img.mtrc.in/251s2A1S0m39).