SSH Port Tunneling with Putty

This instruction will be useful if you want to reach instances that are behind firewall outside of network by using the Putty SSH Client and SSH Port Tunneling.

Here is an instruction on how you will be able to do it:

For example to access the Tableau server at: you need to:

1) In Putty

Under Add new forwarded port:, enter the following information:

Source port: [port on local machine]   (Source port: 8443)

Destination: [hostname of ccis machine]:[port on ccis machine]   (Destination:

Click Add button.

2) Under Add new forwarded port:, enter the following information:Then connect to MI via this Putty.

3) Then access Tableau via url in web browser: https://localhost:8443


Also this technique is useful to reach MI instances that are behind a firewall -, Destination will look like