
If you use:

  • Remote Data Collector. Go to Windows machine where RDC is installed C:\Program Files (x86)\Metric Insights\Insightd\plugins
  • Local Data Collector. Go to machine where MI is installed /opt/mi/datacollector/plugins

Open or create tableau.conf file. With the help of this document you can perform the following operations:

Variable name Description
primary_date_format Verify the list of supported Date Formats.
server Enter server address. If Remote Data Collector runs on the Tableau server then enter 'localhost'; otherwise if it runs on a different machine, enter the Tableau server name (e.g.
image_height Enter the height value of email picture in pixels (0-5000) if you want to specify it.
image_width Enter the width value of email picture in pixels (0-5000) if you want to specify it.
imageSize This is a Boolean variable (true / false). Enable (or disable) the ability to resize of the picture email. If its value is "True", it is possible to set variables: Image_heigh, Image_width
datalocale Enter the data locale property (delimiters of decimal fraction). Can be DataLocale.US or DataLocale.EU or null.If EU, the data parses with European type of delimiters (",").If US or null - with standart (".").
obj_id_filter Enter IDs of objects to narrow the list of Tableau documents (comma-separated) after download documents. Wild card (*) is allowed. (e.g., *SH-2*, *SH-3*)
obj_name_filter Enter names of objects to narrow the list of Tableau documents (comma-separated) after download documents. Wild card (*) is allowed. (e.g., Social Media*, demo*)
site Enter the site name if you want to specify it (e.g. site=Sales). By default site=Default. (If you use Tableau Online, then it must be specified)
project Enter project names (comma-separated) to narrow the list of projects (e.g. project=Tableau Samples, default)Enter the site name if you want to specify it (e.g. site=Sales). By default site=Default. (If you use Tableau Online, then it must be specified)
forceRefresh This is a Boolean variable (true / false). Here you can set the possibility to update elements on Tableau server before loading.
authMethod Here you can set the authentication method during the connection to the Tableau server:authMethod=rsa (default) - authentication method via encryption key;authMethod=trusted - authentication method via trusted IP (without encryption key).
verifySSLCerts This is a Boolean variable (true / false). Here you can set the possibility to check SSL certificate. Plugin can ignore if it is a Self-signed certificate
trustStore Here you can specify path to store with trusted SSL certificates
trustStorePassword Here you can specify password from store with trusted SSL certificates.
keyStore Enter a path to the keyStore on your virtual machine
keyStorePassword Here you can specify password to keyStore
clientKeyPassword Define the passphrase for keyStore password in this variable. In order to use the key for public-key encryption, the file is decrypted with the decryption key. SSH does this automatically by asking you for the passphrase.