Knowledge BaseMetric InsightsMetrics & ReportsData CollectionDataset Sourced from Excel File Parses Text Values as Decimal

Dataset Sourced from Excel File Parses Text Values as Decimal


I've created a Dataset that loads data from an Excel file. The text data columns in the Dataset are parsed as decimal values. How to parse these columns as text values?

Note: The CSV column types cannot be parsed. The uploaded file must be of .xls/.xlsx type.


Prior to MI v6.2.5

1. Download the .jar File to the Linux Host

Prior to MI v.6.2.4

Please contact [email protected] to get the compatible version of the .jar file for your MI version.

2. Place the Downloaded File to dataprocessor:/app/lib

For instance, to move the .jar file from the /home/user_A directory on Linux host, execute: docker cp /home/user_A/mi-insightd-4.30.1-ENG-372.jar  mi_dataprocessor_1:/app/lib/mi-insightd-4.30.1-ENG-372.jar

  • Note that the mi-insightd-4.30.1-ENG-372.jar filename is stated twice in the command

3. Restart Dataprocessor

  • For MI versions prior to 6.2.4:
    1. Exit container: exit
    2. Restart the container: sudo docker restart <dataprocessor container ID>
    3. Wait a few minutes for changes to apply
  • MI v6.2.4+: Restart the dataprocessor service by running service dataprocessor restart from the dataprocessor container

4. Run INSERT IGNORE in MySQL Dashboard Database

  1. Exit the dataprocessor container: exit
  2. Access the web container: docker exec -it <container ID> bash
  3. Access MySQL dashboard database: mysql dashboard
  4. Run the following command: INSERT IGNORE INTO dp_config (param_key, value, plugin_key) VALUES ('typeFromExcelCellFormat', 'true', 'external_file');
MI v6.2.5+

1. Run INSERT IGNORE in MySQL Dashboard Database

  1. Access the web container: docker exec -it <container ID> bash
  2. Access MySQL dashboard database: mysql dashboard
  3. Run the following command: INSERT IGNORE INTO dp_config (param_key, value, plugin_key) VALUES ('typeFromExcelCellFormat', 'true', 'external_file');


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